Here's how it works:
BodySylk retails for $29.95
Affiliates, using their Affiliate Coupon Code pay only $26.95 (A $3.00 savings)
So to earn back the $26.95 you spent on YOUR BodySylk, you only need to Enroll 5 new Affiliates who each purchase one BodySylk! You earn 20% on each purchase, or $5.39, times 5 is $26.95! DO THIS WITH EACH PRODUCT
Let’s say you enroll 5 Affiliates who each repurchase one bottle of BodySylk each month. You earn 20% of the price they pay, $26.95, which is $5.39. Times 5 of that and now you're earning residually $26.95 a month. THIS PAYS FOR YOUR OWN BodySylk!!
Then let’s say those 5 Affiliates each enroll 5 Affiliates....because that's what YOU teach them to do. That’s 15 Affiliates on your 2nd Tier. If they each make the same purchases; 15 bottles of BodySylk; you earn 10% on each of THEIR purchases: ($2.69 x 15) or $40.35!
In the above simple scenario, you spent $26.95 but you earned $67.30 each and every month!
You’re not getting rich, but you paid yourself back for the products you use! It’s up to you to make it as big or small as you desire.
What if you enrolled 5-10 new Affiliates EVERY MONTH!
*Affiliates must have a PayPal, Venmo, or a Bank Account in order to get paid commissions, worldwide.